Sunday, December 22, 2013

Don't Forget Yourself

This seems to only be timely appropriate for the last minute shoppers, but I hope everyone can get something out of it.
As the Holliday season seams to be in full swing I want to remind everyone buying or making gifts not to forget yourself. We all deserve a little treat too. 
We all have some vice that we let ourselves splurge on one Ina while, and we should that is healthy so long as it doesn't become too often. This is relevant, I promise. Because for me this is an occasion, because when I know there is a big party coming up I often allow my self to buy something new and construct the rest of my outfit around that. So while I was out getting a few things for the last touches of my gifts I noticed the new Essie polishes and fell in love. Not to mention that fall and winter colors tend to be my favorites, and Essie often comes out with good colors. But I desired to treat myself and picked 'mind your mittens' because I thought it was beautiful and because I usually go for red tones which means I already have quite a few. This dark cool green grey is something different. Essentially this is my present to myself this year.
I'm working on some holiday party outfit ideas that I'm hopping I will be able to finish in time. 
That's all for now!  

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

A Sneakety Peak

a sneakety peak

a sneakety peak von alovelylittlethought-1, black white window treatments enthaltend

Here's a little sneak peak into my room decoration. Even though I have lived here for a little over two months now, I have been so buzy with school and life that my room decoration has really come out of two trips to ikea and the little things are comming together slowly. I will probably do a more extensive post with actual pictures once I am better settled or when I feel like it is worth sharing.