Friday, January 31, 2014

Sprouts and Aluminum free deodorant

This is a little life update. I've been soooooo busy with school that I haven't had a lot of time to blog. Not to mention that I seem to be lacking in photos. And I haven't figured out how to take selfies of my outfits. 
Aaaanywho. Lately I've been obsessed with sprouting things. I'm currently sprouting lentils and just bought some more seeds for future sprouting ventures. I would be happy to write a little about sprouts if it interests anyone. Since this is the time of year when fresh local produce is a little scarce, it is also the best time to grow little sprouts and bring some lively energy into this season. 
And on a beauty relevant topic, I've been trying to pay better attention to what I put on my skin. Especially what lotions etc. are concerned since they are supposed to sink in and for daily use. Other things are coming together far slower. Especially with makeup since the quality and wear is also inportant. But recently I decided to try out some deodorants that don't have as many chemicals, but most importantly that don't contain aluminum salts. Now the question remains if they work as well. Because I do appreciate a deodorant that survives a workout. This may be a weird topic to blog about. But I know that I was curious what the deal is here. So I am currently trying it out. And I will definitely report back on this when I feel like I have enough to make it worth it. I currently have two that I am testing, so we shall see how this particular experiment continues. 
That's all for now!