Sunday, October 11, 2015

Paper Flowers

I moved! I'm very excited about my new room, especially to decorate it perfectly and best yet: all the little DIY projects that add a very personal touch to the room.
I'm not going to pretend that this was my idea. So, here is the link that inspired me first and this is the link that I used to base the shape of my petals on and, just for fun, I looked at this one too and it may have had some influence. This is their lovechild:

I bought a beautifully aged book for something like 25cents at a thrift shop a little while back for DIY projects. I quite like the aesthetic of printed pages; while newsprint would do the trick for aesthetic, it is very fragile and therefore not the best option here.

Make yourself a nice cup of tea or something equally delicious to sip on ant then gather everything you need before you really start. Weather you take an X-Acto knife or a sharp pair of scissors or even any other cutting device is up to you, but you need something to cut out your petals, paper to cut them out of and glue. In addition depending on what you want your finished project to look like you may want some kind of stick or wire as a stem and something to cover where they attach or the entire length of the stem. If you want something robuster to decorate a gift or a hair accessory, you may want to finish it with some spray lacquer and certainly find a way to attach the flower to its final home. The variations and options are endless; let your imagination be too.

I'm not going to go through every step here. If you want me to describe the process I used step by step leave a comment and I will.

The other tip I have is to think about the vase parallel to picking the paper if you want them to decorate a room by standing in a vase. This vase is a handmade by Tilla Rodemann, and it is just one example of a wonderful vase for this kind of display.

Paper Flowers really do have endless options and variations. What do yours look like? 
Until next time!