Monday, June 29, 2015

Motivation Media

As a PT student I noticed that we often mention the importance of motivating patients to continue to strive for long term goals even if they do not always see the results. Especially with goals like weight reduction. 
Because of my body type I tend to fluctuate around the 71kg mark. (Oh my the internet knows my weight.) So I know it can be tough to get to a target weight or better look and then keep it. But I don't have a trainer or a therapist to keep me motivated. Like most people, I have to motivate myself to stay on track more than anything else. 
But it's far less likely than I just made it sound! Because of this wonderful resource called the Internet and a big big thanks to smartphones, there are so many sources of fitness inspiration. Here are my favorites: 

Pinterest: I've been addicted to Pinterest for DIY projects and recipe ideas for months, but recently I noticed just how many exercises and healthy eating posts and even boards that combine the two. Naturally I started a board full of fit young women who I would like to look a little more like, exercise programs and routines to draw from to target my personal problem areas and healthy tidbits about what to eat and when to eat it when they stumble across my path in the black hole that is Pinterest long past the time I meant to be asleep.
Pinterest is also a great platform for anyone trying to switch up either their workouts or their diet, or even both. Not to mention that there are so many budget friendly tips and workouts you can do at home or at the park without fancy equipment. 

Twitter: I'm not the best at reading or posting on Twitter, but there are so many inspirational people to follow and this is where the modern phone technology really comes into play: it is always a tip of the finger away and can be set up to send you push notifications if you want them. 

Instagram: This is a recent find! And if I am being completely honest, partially the inspiration for this post. But I have also been following some yogis because there is something so harmonious about yoga. Not to mention that it is one of the few forms of exercise that include the whole body and all muscle groups in nearly equal amounts. But the pictures of course bring a whole new light to following inspirational users because yoga also offers so many poses to strive for in the larger goal. 

Fitness apps: The sheer multitude of apps available for the various operating systems on the market is astounding. I have a windows phone and quite like the health and fitness app that came with an update a while back. I did use it to log my food intake for a while, but I find that its focus on calories is a bit one sided. I wish they would also show vitamins and minerals especially over longer periods of time because I try to eat a little different every day, but I clearly have several staple ingredients that I eat most often. This app however has wonderful articles on a wide array of topics. 
Now there are plenty of computer programs with the same functions. The app I mentioned ear
Ire as an example is also available for windows computers, but as a desktop owner and user I find that there are days when I do not turn on my computer at all, making it impractical for any kind of daily logging. This is the other beauty of using a smartphone. I, like so many others, am rarely all too far from my phone so it is a quick action to log what I just ate of what workout I just did if I want to keep a log. And if I want to work out but am not sure where to start or need a little kick I can find my motivation. 

There are also tons of apps that communicate with special watches to track your running rout of the calories you burned beaded on your pulse. This is more for the enthusiasts that are looking to take it a step further, while it does interest me, I've not played with it any more or looked more closely at this option I just wanted to include it as I've stuck with the example of fitness goals. 

I tried my best to keep this concise but still detailed enough. Now I stuck to the idea of fitness and body image type goals, but don't let that hold you back, there are all kinds of other goals that can be inspired by social media and the Internet just as well. What do you strive for? And what keeps you motivated?  

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Making it up to my Luscious Locks

or my hair care products and habits.

I expect so much from my hair. I want it to grow and chop it off and want to to grow again and then I color it with harsh chemicals every 6 weeks or so and still want soft voluminous hair with minimal fly away hairs.

Before I go any further, I should remind you that I have very straight, fine, color treated hair and quite a bit of it. That being said, when I pick out products I want them to care for my hair as it is, not strip it or pile on too much additional nonsense and ideally leave it with a little bit of texture and grip.
The paradox of an Ombre, if you are lightening the ends and not darkening the root, is that you are treating your hair with harsh chemicals at the end that is the oldest and farthest away from your bodies natural conditioning systems. While it is a cool option that is relatively easy to cut off without sacrificing all of your hair, it is also likely to damage the ends even more and if they are not dry brittle or damaged already it will make them more prone to becoming that way. I try to make sure that I counteract this with prophylactic care because there is always a point when you cannot save anything and really do need to cut off what is not salvageable. This can be pretty upsetting if you are actually trying to grow out your hair because it is a setback.

So directly after coloring my hair I use and old shampoo and then my favorite deep conditioner. I talked about washing out the hair color and what I do in that very shower in this post. I have been using Dumb Blond be TIGI's Bed Head for years. and while I have strayed, I keep coming back to this product. It is pricey, but I don't use it as a daily conditioner I save it for a protein deep conditioner particularly for directly after coloring my hair.

Sticking with conditioners: I try to deep condition my hair about once a week or once every two weeks depending on how often I heat style and the weather and how my hair is looking and feeling. I do not condition my hair every time I wash it because I find that it makes my hair so soft that it is very hard to work with and style especially if I want to style without applying any heat. Also I'm convinced that my hair does not need that.
What I do really like are oil treatments. My favorite being a little bit of coconut oil or olive oil from the kitchen that I leave on for a few hours, sometimes even overnight. When I want the same effect but don't have the time I will put a shower cap over my head or a winter hat or hit it with a blow drier for a few minuets before shampooing very thoroughly.

I wash my hair about every two to three days. I try to really only wash it when it is oily, but also leave the natural oils on the follicle as long as I can without feeling weird about it. So when I know that I am staying home and working on school stuff all Sunday and the only person seeing me is my dear roommate who has seen everything then I will comb them and try to distribute the oils towards the ends and then simply tie them up where they cannot bother me. Avoiding mirrors helps. Then I will wash them on Monday morning.
On the other hand I will sometimes wash them the second day even if they do not look or feel oily so that I have at least 24 hours before styling them for a special occasion, because I have incredibly smooth straight hair that will sometimes look really oily very quickly but also likes to defy all styling that i want to coax out of it.
I have never had a shampoo that has completely blown me away or inspired me to repurchase it. I am constantly trying something new. I have however tried out quite a few that I really did not like! From time to time I use dandruff shampoo, but most of the time I don't need it so a bottle does last me quite a while since I will alternate it with something else. I almost always have two shampoos in the shower and one of them is something very simple, sulfate free, that smells nice and doesn't leave my hair squeaky clean but pleasantly fresh. I've been liking the ones from Alverde recently, and might even repurchase the version for colored hair after I use up the apple and papaya one I have in the shower right now.
I don't use a lot of hair products, but if I do style my hair a little more extravagantly or more often I have found no clarifying shampoo works as well as baking soda and vinegar. I don't want to talk more detailed about this process, if it interests you let me know and I will write a whole post on the subject.

To style my hair on  a daily basis I use room temperature air and clips or hair ties. Sometimes I will use an end fluid that I still have from just before I cut my pixi cut over a year ago or a tiny bit of the styling creme I used when my hair was really short to give it a little more texture. I find that this is a length that i am often just pulling back of letting fall however it wants because there is not all too much I can do with the time I am willing to spend on my hair.
What I do really like to do however is to give my hair a little bit of wavy curl with a flatiron. And I like the the Elnet 3 day volume spray from L'Oreal because I have the feeling that it really does help me have some degree of wavy-curleyness for at least the following day (weather permitting). I finish that look off by running my fingers through it with a little bit of Matte and Messy structurizing paste from the L'Oreal Studio Line. This is also something I had when I had a pixi and thought I would never use it up as I let my pixi grow out, but it is absolutely amazing for this look.
I can also get a similar messy wave with a sea salt spray, but this tends to be unreliable and quite drying. So that is not an option for daily styling.

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Ombre take two

I have posted about dying my hair before, and I posted pictures of the results of my last attempt at an ombre where it was very hard to see any kind of color difference. That first attempt I honestly totally forgot to take pictures and regretted it after, but about 48 hours after that I really didn't mind. Take one was a disaster, the fade was just nonexistent and someone even asked me if I was in the awkward stage of growing out my hair color. I don't think I need to elaborate any further, so here goes:
This is what I was going for the first time around. 
Before. My hair has got a little style from the day before still in it but that has never been a problem. 
Ombre-ing is harder than dying all of your hair or coloring streaks! Keep that in mind before deciding to try this at home. The professionals not only know how to do this better, they also have a better angle and can see what they are doing directly and not via several mirrors.
Now that we have that out of the way, If you are still fixed on doing this at home i know what you mean. I don't want to spend the money either, and it's just hair (that will hopefully soon look super cool). Before you start with any kind of dying there are always a few prep things that you really do have to do and cannot underestimate.

If you want to try this yourself and use this method, please read the entire post before you get anywhere close to starting. You want to have an idea of what you have to do before you start and not be reading the step for the first time just before it is time to start.

1. Pick out your color and buy it. weather you are using bleach for the "traditional" ombre blond look or a color like I am, pick out the one for your hair type and desired end result. If you are saving the money on a stylist pick out all the components or the kit that really is the best for you! Don't skimp on that if you do not have to. I have a set from the drugstore that I have had several times at like far better than a professional combo that I tried and hated, but I wouldn't go for the cheapest bleach from the drugstore.

Once you are back home, Read the instructions thoroughly and follow them! Every coloring kit has different times and recommendations for different results and hair types etc. The developers should know the product better than anyone.

When you are ready to die your hair gather everything you need. Make a checklist if you have to. I cannot tell you how many times I have started mixing my color or even applying it and realized I forgot something. So gather up an old towel, some kitchen paper, hair clips, a bowl and tinting brush, a comb (fine tooth or rat tail comb are best), the entire hair dying kit and foil strips(cut into proper pieces, not just a roll of foil). If they are not included in your kit, you may also want some gloves. (if you are not using gloves for whatever reason think about painting your nails with a clear coat because hair die is particularly hard to get off of nails.) And make sure you are wearing some old clothes, the kind you would paint in. And not just the top and then your favorite pj pants. Hair die has a magical way of defying physics and getting everywhere, especially if you are coloring your own hair.

Also a buddy! this is not a must, I color my hair all by myself but it does make it easier. Also, I used to die my hair at sleepovers because my best friend and I always both really wanted crazy colorful hair so we would plan sleepovers with the intention of coloring each others' hair. But now that I have a little practice I am actually pretty reluctant to let anyone help me because I would rather mess it up myself then get mad at someone else for not doing a good job.

Then figure out how much of your hair you want to ombre. No joke: visualize the result you are aiming for! Picturing how much you want really saturated and how far up the faded/streaked/highlighted part should go will help you go about the actual applying of hair color with more confidence. and then section the hair accordingly

If this is your first time dying your own hair at home double check all of the above because this next bit is where it starts to become time sensitive and it will make the next hour or so of your life that much less stressful.
Sections for efficiency. note that I sectioned off the bang bit because I have kept the big streak and am letting it grow out very slowly.

2. Mix the hair color components as instructed by the manufacturer. Simple enough, really. Just decide now if you will be applying to color from the squirt bottle that comes with the kit, or that you have on hand because you are prepared for anything, or with a brush or even with your comb. I use a squirt bottle and a comb, but I will explain that later

3. This is where the magic happens! The simple formulation would be: Apply the hair color. I'm pretty sure a post about ombring at home that had such a simple formulation would be very disappointing, so I will do my best to describe my method.

Before I start I want to mention two things. First, I don't have all to many pictures and none at this stage because I wanted to work as efficiently as possible so that the sections do not have large spans of time between the application of the color since that can cause for a very uneven color once everything is finished and I did this when my roommate was not home so I couldn't ask her to help me out. Secondly, This is the method I found that worked best for me and I am sure there are plenty of other ones. If you have a different one that works for you of any tips how to do this even better please let me know in the comments. I am by no means an expert or trying to claim that this is the way to die an ombre.

This is where the visualization I was talking about earlier comes in. Starting at the bottom sections of hair I grab relatively flat sections without too much structure. Preferably angular, not at all neat sections so that they then fall over one another adding even more layers to the finish. Then I start at the ends and really saturate them with color by combing through the ends with a fine tooth comb perpendicular to the hair shaft. Then I take the comb and essentially rotate it 90° so that I am combing very fine sections with the comb parallel to the hair shaft which should be relatively flat as even most curls should stick to the foil. I continue to comb thought the fade section with this method to coat some hairs and leave others out. I also try to do the first few just above where the hair is fully saturated and then slowly move up, always combing to the ends. This is how I get a gradual fade and not a harsh line.
I repeat this on sections of hair always moving up a layer and then from the back towards my face in smaller sections than I originally sectioned off. I like a little more color around the front sections because I have kept the big section of red at the very front and because I think I have better control of those sections since I can see what I am doing much better. At the back I have to rely on my gut and the finger feeling, but that does not mean I am any less careful.

4. This takes a little patience but I recommend setting an alarm for the time the manufacturer says the hair color should stay in. If they give a range, then for the smallest amount of time as you have to check how the color is developing. You should check up on your hair and see how the color is developing, but don't fuss with it too much. If you have set an alarm you can even do something completely different for that time.
Color is on the hair and working it's magic. 
5. Once the time is up check that your hair color is really ready. Very thick dark hair often takes longer than thin light hair. Then wash the hair color or bleach out. Some kits will come with shampoo and conditioner in which case you can use those, otherwise use what you have (ideally, something for color treated hair).
What the instructions often do not mention but I have found to work best is to wash your hair with warm water. Rinse very well. Then condition (my hair is so short that I rarely condition my hair, but I always use a deep conditioner after I color my hair) and rinse the conditioner out with cold water. Rinsing with cold water helps to seal the follicle and keep everything inside as well as provide great shine.

6. Style as usual. And don't forget the selfies for social media ;)
This is my hair without any crazy styling. Just some heat protectant spray and a tiny bit of blow drying to dry it completely and give a little extra volume. I'm also not wearing any makeup because I colored my hair at night, like I usually do, and thought it far too silly to apply makeup for these pictures and then take it right off since I was going to bed after.
Et Viola!
Aftercare and general hair routine / care are coming soon.
XX Eva

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Trash talk

Hey there. I started collecting the empty packaging of beauty products that I had used up almost a year ago in early July. When I started I thought I might talk about products that I have used up because I adore watching YouTube videos on this topic from other people and I find there is something very satisfying about using a product in its entirety and then either trying something else or repurchasing it because it really was that good. I wrote a post about not buying anything that wasn't strictly necessary until I had used up several of the things I had lying around because it does all pile up.
Recently my roommate and I decided to move out and we are finding new apartments with new roomies. To me moving means getting rid of the things that I don't need. A big bag a trash most certainly qualifies! So I will also spend the next three months leading up to my move not buying new products that I don't really really NEED and trying use up even more of the things that I do have since that means less to take with me. 
The direction I actually wanted to take with this post was that I have mindlessly continued to collect used up products and wasn't sure why I had a special trash for these things. I have now decided not to go through because it is simply a ton. I did pic out a few things that I will be keeping because body butter tubs for example are great for storage and such. but as I was going through my trash for myself I reflected and realized just how much trash I as an individual produce in an attempt to look and feel great in my naked skin! Most of these products are skincare for face and body. I am way to lazy to use makeup most days, so that doesn't get used up nearly as fast. 
And today I sorted all of this Packaging and recycled it. While I am hoping to use up several more products rather than take them with me, this was my first step in the moving process. I think sorting out my closet is the next bit.