Saturday, July 27, 2013

Moving to College by Airplane

As I am going to college abroad, driving is not an option. This can be pretty stressful. As I am currently in the process of packing up to move to my university in Germany, I thought I might share a few tips for those moving to college by plane.
1. Check your airline's baggage policy 
Although most airlines have similar baggage policies it is best to look online and see what the specifics are for your flight. Since over weight and extra baggage is often quite pricey, it is best to come prepared and to weigh you luggage at home so you don't get a nasty surprise.
2. Prioritize
Decide what you really need to take with you and what can stay behind. In most cases you really don't need to bring your whole life with you. Also think about what you really need versus what you would like to bring. This way you can start by packing the necessities and take the slightly less important things where there is still space. Also remember that shipping is pretty expensive, so it really is best to take what you can in your luggage. If you are going to a different country think about your electronics too; sometimes it is better to plan to buy a new one upon arrival. What comes to my mind is my flat iron, since it needs replacing anyway there is no reason to bring it and get an adapter. 
3. Think long and short term
If you know you are coming home for thanksgiving, you don't need to bring all your winter clothes with you. Instead you can leave them at home and switch out the bulk of your wardrobe when you visit. This is probably most important with winter clothes because they tend to be bulkiest, but the same idea goes for your spring clothes if you know you will be home for spring break. 
If you know you will not be coming home until next summer, you want to remember to pack for all seasons. But as your space will probably be limited, remember to pack versatile pieces and items that layer well. 

Best of luck! Remember that if you do forget something vital there are probably shops around for you to buy them.                                                                                                                                                          

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