Saturday, July 13, 2013

What to do with Old Jeans and "Scraps' from DIY Cut-offs?

If you are like me and you like to make your own denim cut offs because you know how long you want your  shorts to be and the shops never seem to get them quite right, not to mention that your local thrift store has great jeans that are even cheaper than most new clothes and still in great shape. Now, that's all well and good except that every time you cut long pants into shorts, most of the fabric is now "scrap". And I cannot stand to throw that fabric away, mostly be use they are pretty big pieces, which would suggest you could make something out of them. But if you keep cutting shorts and saving jeans you grew out of or that ripped in awkward places etc. you end up with tons if jean in varying shades, and they continue to pile up. I found this blog post ( last summer and happened to have some light canvass-y material that was great for lining and embellishment. On the left is a potion of what was my collection of old unwearable denim.

I want to give credit where credit is due. So I won't do a tutorial or go through the details because I feel like that is not fair to her. Instead I recommend you go check out the post by Heart of Mary for full instructions. I just wanted to show what I made with just a few alterations, and maybe give some inspiration to those of you out there with leftover denim because in many cases it is strong enough to make a little bag like this one that is not meant to carry anything particularly heavy. Good luck if you decide to try this project too.

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