Monday, October 13, 2014

Growing My Hair

I like having a pixie, but it has occurred to me that it is incredibly impractical for my line of work. So last night I decided to let it grow. I have had short hair for about 5 months now, if I am not mistaken, and I had pretty long hair before that. So I have been at both extremes and I do this periodically. I let my hair grow and at some point I just decide to cut it all off. And right now I want my hair just long enough to quickly pull it together into a ponytail for the clinic or on lazy Sundays when I just don't feel like walking around with a bed head but really do not feel like doing anything more with my hair.

At this stage I am almost due for a haircut anyway, which I am just going to skip and allow my hair to grow for a few more weeks. I can only recommend patience, lots of water and exercise. These are simple things that will be crucial to letting your hair grow out along with regular maintenance and care as you would anyway. There is no miracle, no elves, no potion that will make your hair suddenly grow out. And I know that this takes months and the process feels awful, especially in the beginning, but its doable. and I am going to try and document this from time to time with little tips as I go.
So I would like to end this with one little tip: blow drying hair really does help it fall better. This is a step that I don't normally have time for in my busy day to day morning routine, but especially as my bangs get longer I have tried to take the three minuets to at least blow dry my bangs into place so that I am not tempted to shave my head. And it has made a huge difference.
Until next time!

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